We had another fun week. We didn't do too much because we had Vacation Bible School (from here on out it will be referred to as VBS). We have it in the evenings and my two favorite things about VBS are: 1) the opportunity for children to hear the Gospel who might not otherwise get to hear it; and 2) I don't have to prepare five meals - aka dinner- for five whole days because we eat dinner at our VBS!! So I get a mini-vacation!! Well, except for lunch - and I only have to serve and clean up breakfast. My children complain about my breakfasts so I quit serving them a meal at breakfast. They can have toast or cereal now. They do like Norwegian pancakes, which I never tire of saying that. And the like regular pancakes, which took me 10 years to make properly. I know you think I'm lying but I am actually being conservative because if you count the years I wasn't married to Mr. Handsome, it is more like 15-20 years!!! But now I am happy to report I make great regular panacakes. They are never as good as Norwegian pancakes though.
Without further ado, here are some lost picutres - well, I forgot to post them from Father's Day. How could I do that? We also celebrated our Beatrice's fifth Birthday!!! She turned five on Tuesday. Where does the time fly? She was born in the middle of VBS five years ago and we missed all of it. All of us!! It was the first time we had ever missed any of it!! And this year was her first year going with the big kids. She wasn't in the nursery class. Her "other mother" and her "other mother"'s husband were her leaders. They spoil her worse than grandparents!! She no longer has to take naps in the afternoon (rats!), too. So this was a big week for our Beatrice.
Here is the Great Oz!! Yup, my Dad. And I think I've mentioned I call my mom Dorothy. We celebrated his birthday on Father's Day as well as my brother Tom's birthday.
And here is their cake. Notice who gets to choose the cake. NOT the Great Oz. Or Tom. Beatrice!! :) They never complain - it's just cake after all.
And here is the Father's Day cookie. Notice Oz is on top!! :) ha ha ha ha... I know the lady at Food Lion thought my Mom was crazy when she asked her to put Oz on the cake.
The Great Oz showing off his birthday cake.
Beatrice blowing out the candles.
Our children would love nothing more than to have a "normal" birthday party like the rest of the competitive and overly OCD parents out there who rent rollerskating rinks and book parties at the movie theater. Well, we don't do that. Not because I wouldn't want to but it's cost prohibitive and there are so many more imaginative things to do!!! They get birthday parties and cakes from both grandparents and we let them pick something special to do and generally one or two friends. On their seventh birthday, they get a sleepover. It's the only one they will ever get (probably) and it's the age I can stand having the children over and won't go loo loo!! :) Anyway, I asked her what she wanted to do and she said, Go to Britt's doughnuts. And she picked the people she wanted to go with. Well, our one friend had to work (we brought her three doughnuts on the way home) but our other friends (and their new baby) were able to meet us. Britt's doughnuts has been around a long time. It's in Carolina beach, which is about 25 minutes from us. Just a small hole-in-the-wall place but they make the best homemade doughnuts. So here is everyone at Britt's with not a single doughnut in sight. One side note: We were all heading back to our cars when we started getting attacked by seagulls ala Alfred Hitchcock, though there were no phone booths around to hide in! We figured out that they wanted the doughnuts we were holding in our hands. I brought my camera but was too busy trying to keep the birds from eating me, my doughtnuts, and my children and their doughnuts - AND from doing their business on our heads!
Above is everyone holding Big A!! That's what we call him. His big brother is really Big A at home but we think he's such a cutie pie and needs a macho name like Big A!! Beaker is conspicuously absent at this point because we did not let her hold Big A. Besides, she was busy trying to eat all the doughnuts.
Here is Big A's dad and mom. Well, his Dad and Beatrice's "other mother".
And here is Big A's first dip in the Atlantic Ocean. He loved the sand. He squished it all in his toes and tried to pick it up with his toes. He was soooo cute. We headed home from here and Beatrice went out with Dorothy and the Great Oz for lunch and shopping. Dorothy was so nice as to help her find the loudest toys in the toy store. Beatrice also figured out that the two LOUD toys she picked played the same songs so she tried, much to my purist musicians' ears, to play them at the same time. My ears quit ringing sometime Thursday morning, I'm happy to report.
Once again the Blake household is rampant with fashion faux pas. I have a little post-it book with fashion citations on it and this one is not on it. I suppose it would read, "unnecessary use of hair accessories"
Dorothy was also so thoughtful to get Beatrice a make-up kit for her birthday. Little did we know, she would give Beaker a makeover!! Fashion Citation!! "Coloring outside the lines"
We have knitting, crocheting, and now quilting at my house once a week. One of my friends recognizes that my children turn into leeches as soon as an adult shows up at the door, so she brings a bag of goodies for them and plays with them while we quilt, crochet, and knit!! What a gem she is!! :) And they look for her now. This week she gave Beaker and Beatrice lion masks to make.
I only took two pictures at VBS because we were so busy that I didn't get a chance to take anymore. But the above picture is probably one of the cutest boys Mr. Handsome and I had in our class (well, except for our Robert, of course). He won the drill contest. He had to follow the commands the leader gave. Sort of like simon says. We were so excited for him!!
I know it probably looks like a healing session at our church but it's nothing of the sort (we dont' do that junk anyway!! ha ha haha...). The fellow in white (Mr. Handsome is just to his left) is a pastor and a master karate expert. He told us what he was but I didn't get it so I will call him Master Karate Expert. He is 74 years old and locked his hands together by his fingers in front of him while three men on either side pulled and they could not pull his arms apart. He used his elbow to karate chop four 2 inch thick cinderblocks in half. He laid on a bed of nails and had someon put a bed of nails on top of his chest while someone broke a brick on that!!! He also had our pastor lie on a table and he put a papaya on his abdomen and used a long knife (which has a special name) to cut the papaya and not the pastor!!! He didn't cut the pastor at all!! Beaker didn't like this part. As soon as he put the knife over our pastor, she spazzed out. I didn't see her but one of her teachers had to take her out because she couldn't handle seeing him get hurt!!! This was our last night of VBS. It was a lot of fun and we had a great time. VBS is always a fun time at our church and we look forward to it every year.
You never know what you'll see driving around Wilmington. Note the knee high boots on the lady on the scooter.
Our Maddie's birthday is in two weeks and we promised her a bike for her birthday. She and I went today and picked it out. Her other bike was a lemon and it was way too small for her. She loves her bike!!
This was part of our Woweeeee Extravaganza day. We did something we do maybe once every four years. Well, it WAS once every four years because the last time we did it WAS four years ago. There were exceptions and I will note that. We went to see a movie as a family!! We don't go very often because, well, it's a waste of money. But we promised the children when we found out cars 2 was coming out that we would see it in the movie theatre. The exceptions were that we have been to the free movies (which are no longer free) in the summer and Mr. Handsome's dad paid for us and his brother and his kids to see Rio. It was so much fun and I call it an extravaganza becasue it was rahther expensive (h put in there on purpose to heighten the drama). We went with my brother and his family. The movie was very cute and we really enjoyed it. A great ending to a wonderful week. Tomorrow is our Fourth of July musical at church. Mr. Handsome has a solo and I know he will do terrific!! :) Have a great week.
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