Sunday, June 12, 2011

New days and new experiences

I have been thinking about what to write about this week. When I go to bed, I have lots of ideas! But when I wake up, they are gone. I was trying to describe my week in my mind. It was a bit surreal, went by waaaaaayy too fast but I was glad for that. Maddie and Robert went to sleep away camp on Monday afternoon with two of their friends and our youth pastor. Kristinie the Great aka Beaker and Beatrice went to morning camp for the week. So for three hours, Lindsay and I had the house, the car, the FOOD, the TV, the, well, you get the picture - all to ourselves. And Lindsay and I had each other all to ourselves. That was a strange experience. Lindsay is smack dab in the middle! Just like I was. Not that that really matters but you do have certain traits that are your own: self sufficient earlier, independent. It didn't take Lindsay long to figure out that we could have a conversation without the big kids taking over and the little kids screaming and fussing. So, to celebrate our being by ourselves, on Tuesday I took her to a little girls' salon. She has wanted to go there for a very long time and I decided to do it this week so she could have the time all to herself. She got a pedicure and her hair sprayed with glitter hairspray. She was thrilled. After that we went and picked up the little girls who promptly informed me they were very disappointed they didnt' get to go!

Here is Lindsay getting her pedicure.
And here she is on their "runway".

The girly girl of the bunch gets a dream come true. And now back to reality!! :) Wednesday the little girls were off to camp. By this time, I am done and over with getting up early and driving my children to camp. Now, don't get me wrong. I don't mind getting up early. During the school year, I am up and at 'em. But up and at 'em and outta the house before the dew has even evaporated is not for me!! I take my hat off to those of you who do this everyday. I am spoiled and I thank God I am. As Jerry Clower said, "Don't mess with what Mama's got."

Here are the children at the nursing home the week before last. It was just Lindsay and I this past week and let me tell you, it was one of the funniest episodes I have ever seen. Lindsay made chocolate chip cookies for the residents. So after the service she and I stood at the door, and you would have thought we had just stepped into Macy's the day after Thanksgiving for Black Friday specials. I think they were afraid they weren't going to get one!!
Here they are singing America the Beautiful.

This may not look like much but it is Lindsay's very first quilt block. She made it all by herself. I had extra squares cut out and she wanted to use them to make a quilt block. So we set out on a pattern. And this is what we came up with.

We made the quilt block on Thursday and then Thursday afternoon, the house was a flurry of activity with our friends over for knititng crocheting and now quilting. It was loads of fun. One of my friends has been quilting a long time and brought her stuff to show us. The things she made were beautiful.
I know there are some of you who don't have a sense of humor but I thought this was hilarious beyond measure!! The blurry part is where you check off the violator's infraction: like visible pantylines or VPL. Another one is matchy-matchy. Here's why they are sooooo funny: I violate ALL of them except the VPL - that is a big no-no, and thanks to my Mom I've never had that problem. I picked that up on Tuesday at Pier One in case anyone wants one for themselves. As I am sure you will rush over there before they are all gone.
And here is the main top to Lindsay's quilt. I did finish the first border (I am going to try to make it a twin size this time) but I haven't had a chance to take a photo yet. I may get brave and enter it in the county fair this year.

So Friday arrived and we took Beatrice to camp. Beaker woke up Thursday with a 103-104 temp in the middle of the night. So she had to stay home. She was not disappointed to spend her time with Lindsay and me. We drove out to get our food from the farmer's co-op we belonged to (second to last trip - yeah!!) and then headed home to pick up Beatrice. We ate lunch and the big kids arrived home. We were so excited to see them. They had a great time at camp. Maddie got a bit homesick on Thursday morning but she was a real trooper. Robert, being the only boy, was not homesick at all!! He had a bunch of boys to play with for a whole week.
Here is our festive banner we use for celebrating. One of my friends gave me the idea. We made one for her and then I made this one for me. We have one more to make. We're supposed to use it when we celebrate so we will be leaving it up most of the month. Birthdays, Father's Day, Welcome Home, Congratulations on finishing fifth grade!!
And we had a minor parking infraction one day too. Barbie and Vicky double parked in my pantry. We think Beaker was the perpetrator. Surveillance cameras are being requested but seriously doubt Mr. Handsome will allow that.
Maddie learning to use a knife from one of my friends. She knows how to cut just not peel. Of course, I was a bit of a nervous nellie with the whole affair. She did just great. Maddie is one of the hardest workers I've ever seen. She loves to learn new things, too.

This is what happens when you get up sometime before Mr. Sun rises - and let us not forget that it IS summer. We found Beaker just like this around 8:15am this morning. She woke up when Beatrice stuffed Pat-Pat the puppy dog in her face and I told Bea to stop. Someday she will get on board with my schedule. For whatever reason, she's the youngest, she the most strong willed, she's a night owl - who knows - but she does not like to sleep.

Poor Anderson! He is going to have some serious gas. We love seeing the new babies at church. What a blessing to see them grow! And Anderson is no slouch about that. We see him growing from week to week.

Beatrice is trying to feed him AND get her photo taken. Anderson is so patient and understanding. He loves all the attention!! :)

This is what happens when you let your children use lip gloss. You never know where it's going to end up. Nope, not a bruise, either!! :)

And here is our Glam-Girl Beatrice!!!

I will never earn points for being sentimental and mooshy, though I wish I could. I think I'm too silly to be that way. But if you were at my house and I was singing my favorite little kid's chorus, you might see my tear up because I am thinking about how much God has blessed us with five terrific children. It is fun keeping up from week to week. Seeing them grow and become what God wants them to be. Here's the chorus:

The birds upon the tree top, sing this song;
The angels sing the chorus all day long;
The flowers in the garden blend their hues;
So why shouldn't I, why shouldn't I paise Him too.

And if you're wondering what the tune is: think of the most cheerful tune you can think of and that will be it. I hope I didn't forget anything about my week last week. It was a lot busier than normal and always exciting. This week is shaping up to be the same so see you next Sunday!! :) Have a great week, and remember as Bob and Larry would say, God made you special and He loves you very much.

I forgot about my big adventure - or what I like to refer to as THE INCIDENT. We went swimming with my sister-in-law at "the" pool. I put "the" in quotes because we go on my parents' ticket. They belong to a country club and Dad lets us go swimming at the pool. It's great fun and the children look forward to spending time with their cousins. So it is time to leave - I have already showered and dressed wearing my below knee length capris (which would be to the ankle on the average heighth person, just for the record). Beaker decided she didn't not want to get out of the kiddie pool. So I, being the very daring parent I am, go in after her. Thankfully, it is only two feeg and I only get about six inches of pants wet. But you bet your bottom dollar that she knew she was in trouble!! Lesson learned: Dont' change until ALL children are out of pool!!!

And I forgot to say how God blessed me: Due to circumstances I will not get into, I lost $50.00. I know you're getting sick already. But you were probably not nearly as sick as I was and Mr. Handsome was amazingly understanding. I prayed and asked the Lord if He could please help me because I had to buy a cake for Maddie's party (graduating fifth grade) and some other things. So this happened on Tuesday. Yesterday, Maddie and I were at the food store and I told her I would look one more time in my purse to see how much money I had and thank the Lord, I found $50.00!!!!!! Not kidding - true story!!

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