Tuesday, August 7, 2012

We're not the most adventurous family....

With our last week of summer behind us, we started school yesterday. I was not sure how it would go but I can say this: homeschooling five children is not for the faint of heart! But I love it. It has been much busier adding Kristinie the Great to the mix. And we are really going to try to stick to our schedule. I am a morning person and Mr. Handsome is not; thus, I have adjusted my schedule to accomodate his night owl personality. It is not bad staying up later because the house is so quiet but I like to get up in the morning and get my day going. So the past two days have been great for me getting up early. The children? A mixed bag!

Evidently I uploaded my photos backwards!! Here is Maddie. She is not a morning person! 

Beatrice's first day of school.


Robert doing math.

Beaker's first day of school! She loves it too. She sits great, follows directions great.

This is how she dressed for church Sunday night. I tell people she dresses in the dark and turns the light on to surprise us!! 

Maddie and "her Rachel". She camped all last week, came home about 10:30 Saturday morning then babysat for Tom and Erin. She was one tired young lady when she got home. On Saturday we started the couch to 5k. It is a program where you start out easy and then after a period of time you can run a 5k. Our whole family is doing it. I was really wanting to find something we could do together and we could be in charge of the time and it wouldn't cost us an arm and a leg. One of my friends runs with her family, although her youngest is 10 I think. So I was telling my sister-in-law Erin and she said she has an app she uses. I looked on my phone and I found one in the google play store by Rundouble. You start out with a five minute warm-up then run 90 seconds, then run 60 seconds. You do the 90 and 60 second intervals eight times. So we end up doing the training for about 1.25 miles. The first day I did it I thought running 90 seconds would be no problem. WRONG!!!! I thought my feet were like cement blocks!! But we completed it. Well, Kristinie the Great rode the "sag wagon", otherwise known as the stroller. When we ran Monday Beatrice ended up in the stroller too. So we may have to give them their bikes. Maddie, Robert, and Lindsay did great. Maddie has been the most grumpy about it but I think she will come around. Beatrice hurt her foot yesterday and this morning she told me it was feeling better. She said, "Mommy, my foot isn't constipated anymore!" I was cracking up! 

We attempted to swim on Friday with my mom and Erin. But it rained so we waited in the lounge area (not to be confused with the lounge area) and ate lunch there.

Playing tag

Trying to catch Lindsay

Beatrice is impatiently waiting for her lunch.

Our trip to Chick-fil-a. It is our favorite restaurant to eat at.

Here we are with the marketing director at our chick-fil-a. It is the best chick-fil-a I have ever been to. They have great service, and their restaurant is always packed!

See what I mean????? We are waaaaaaayyyyy back by the play yard!! But it only took us about ten minutes. We did have to eat in the van though because there was no room for us.

Robert and Lindsay watching the olympics.

Robert warming up at basketball.

Beaker and Kristine watching the game. See what I mean about dressing in the dark?

On Sunday night the young men at our church got to take up the offering. Now that I think about it I think I posted this already.

We ate at Andy's! Another great restaurant.

The slip and slide. Beatrice

Megan - Lindsay's best friend

Sydney - our neighbor

Beaker. She kept getting frustrated because she was too light to make it to the end.


Logan - our neighbor



Getting ready to run down to the slip and slide!

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