Today is Christmas Eve and if anyone came to our house they would think we were a bunch of scrooges. We took all of our indoor decorations down because we are supposed to be at Taylors' family for Christmas. But his dad has the flu and we are going to go tomorrow. Which will be Christmas day and I have been reminded by our children that our decorations are down and they already opened their presents! I think it is great to have nothing to do on Christmas eve. Well, except get ready to go away tomorrow.
The first pboto, I think, is Lindsay and her best friend singing a song in their Christmas play. The next one is some of our friends being silly at the mall! There is nothing more interesting tham two moms and ten children walking around the mall. My friend has three children and Maddie and Robert each had a friend with them. This was a big milestone for Maddie, too. She and her friend got to walk around the mall by themselves for thirty minutes! And I survived! And they came back right on time. I was very proud of them.
Roberts tenth birthday was last Tuesday. He had a big time celebrating and I made his favorite cake: red velvet, from scratch! On Wednesday we went to my moms to make ice cream cone Christmas trees. Thursday was Roberts pack meeting. He is getting ready to become a Boy Scout.
When we got home we celebrated our Christmas. I am so thankful for our children. They were thankful for everything they received!
On Saturday we celebrated Christmas and Roberts birthday with my family. Evryone had fun and Lindsay got the most annoying toy in the world: a furby! It doesn't have an off switch and I wish it came with a hammer! She really likes it too! I thought she would get it and then be bored with it after the first twenty minutes. Kristine got exactly what she wamted: craft supplies. And she has used up quite a bit already! Haha!
Today I finally got around to repairing Roberts pants. The photo is the emd result.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas! :)